Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Oh my soul...

For Rue.

((Is it allowed  to dedicate blog posts like you can dedicate books? I think it should be))

"Oh my soul, it is  enough that the Father loves you."

Jesus rocks my world with this statement.

No matter what, it is enough that God loves me.

-When I struggle with insecurity, I can remember His love is enough.
-When I'm tempted to be jealous, His love is enough.
-When my heart hurts, His love is enough.
- When the only emotion I feel is anger, His love is enough.
-When I am afraid,
-When I have doubts,
-When I say "I can't",
-When I don't know what to do,
-When I hurt,
-When I'm proud,
-When I believe lots of Satan's lies over and over again...

His love is enough.
People will always let me down. Always. It's going to happen. I will often let myself down. I am human. I will struggle. I will be afraid. I will be hurt. I'll get jealous and I'll get angry. But- in all those things, that is me, trying to satisfy my soul with something that won't satisfy. That is me, trying to put things in His place. It is me trying to be enough on my own. Each time I believe one of those lies, the lies that say things satisfy, God whispers "I AM enough" and He is.

I'm tired
-- I am enough

I can't do this
--I am enough.

I'm scared
--I am enough

But, I am so weak, so sinful.
--"My grace is sufficient for you, and my power is made perfect in weakness."

Nothing else matters. Not people's opinions of me or of what I do, not my fear, not my physical appearance. Not my emotion, not whether or not people love and trust and want me. Nothing!

My God, my Father, is absolutely everything. He is the Star Breather. The Galaxy Former. The One who thought of music. The One who holds the universe(that expands a million miles every direction every hour) in his hand. The King who reigns forever. The Lord of Armies. The DNA Maker. The Holy One. And that God came down and lived in our neighborhoods. Breathed in our air. Walked on our dust. Why? Because of His incredible, deep, profound, ridiculous, crazy love. His love is overwhelming! If we can grasp it, our heads will be left spinning.

He. LOVES. you.

yes. YOU.

When every part of me is struggling, when I want to give up, I have to remember (And sometimes say aloud)

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