Tuesday, January 31, 2012

When Words (really really really) Aren't Enough...

Lately, it seems like everyone around me is dealing with something really hard. One of my uncles lost his job not too long ago. My best guy friend's aunt has cancer. One friend lost her dad last week. Another one lost her best friend last night in a car accident. One of my teacher's uncles passed away over Christmas break. I have several friends who have family members suffering from serious injury. It just seems to keep piling on! I mean seriously, it seems like every day someone else tells me about something really hard to deal with. And I physically hurt for them. I love my friend's and family to the moon and back, so seeing them hurt really bothers me. One, because I've been immensely blessed and nothing bad has ever happened to me... Yet. I know it's coming but for now it seems unfair in a way. And two, because the human side of me sees all this hurt around me and feels totally helpless. I know that I can't bring people back to life or heal them from serious illness or injury. I can't magically make anything better. I can't. And sometimes I feel like I can't even comfort my friends because I don't have anything to say. Words are inadequate.
But, God didn't call me to make everything better, did he? He called me to love. He told me to give out hugs, to be a listener, to be the one to sit in silence next to the hurting if needed. But, most of all, he's called me to pray. I myself am completely and totally powerless. I'm weak. But my God isn't. He is mighty and loves with a vengeance. Prayer is a powerful thing. God cares about my friends and my family. And he is capable of comforting them. He is the Prince of Peace. He sees everything that's going on, and He is the one that can actually do something about it. I in myself can't so anything at all. But my prayers can. And just the thought that my individual, insignificant prayers effect and infinite God makes me stand in awe. So I will do this. I will get on my knees and intercede for my friends and family going through stuff. Because it's the only thing I can do, but it's also the only thing that will make much of a difference.

And if you are reading this and you are one of those people dealing with something really difficult, know I'm here. I'm listening, I'm hurting with you, and I'm praying. Remember that everything works for good. God has a plan. Beautiful pictures are developed in a dark room from negatives. So if you're going through an especially dark place in life, know that there is a beautiful picture being formed.

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." (Romans 8:28 NLT)

"You faithfully answer our prayers with awesome deeds,
O God our savior.
You are the hope of everyone on earth,
even those who sail on distant seas." (Psalm 65:5 NLT)

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